@article{oai:ocuocjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000312, author = {大城, 冝武 and 與久田, 巖 and 中村, 完}, issue = {8}, journal = {沖縄キリスト教学院大学論集 = Okinawa Christian University Review}, month = {Dec}, note = {This paper presents an understanding of how university students perceive the current social situation of Okinawa. We administrated questionnaires focusing on university students. We received responses from 647 students. The respondents were grouped into three categories: (a) Okinawans who live in Okinawa; (b) Non-Okinawans who live in Okinawa; and (c) Non-Okinawans who live in outside Okinawa. The overall results are as follows: Concerning the Japanese government ruling over Okinawa, Group A is critical whereas Group C shows a certain level of appreciation. As for the language of Okinawa, Uchina-guchi, all three groups are positive. Group A, however, is slightly more negative, and Group C more appreciative than the average. These differences show that Group C is receptive to the traditions and social manners of Okinawa while Group A experiences a sense of inferiority in light of the mainland. In terms of all the questions that were posed, Group B is observed as holding neither negative nor positive attitudes when compared to groups A and C.}, pages = {41--49}, title = {大学生における沖縄の社会状況の認知に関する研究;3 -差別、被差別、偏見-}, year = {2011} }