@article{oai:ocuocjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000490, author = {新垣, 友子 and 島袋, 純}, issue = {13}, journal = {沖縄キリスト教学院大学論集 = Okinawa Christian University Review}, month = {Feb}, note = {In 2009, the UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger included six Ryukyuan languages. Since then,the question is, how much progress has the Japanese government and the Okinawa Prefectural government achieved to revitalize the Ryukyuan languages? This paper posits that unless substantial and practical measures for language revitalization be taken, Ryukyuan languages are likely to become extinct by 2050. Despite the necessity of these efforts, revitalization processes have been largely ineffective. This thesis attempts to clarify the concept of ‘linguistic rights’ in the context of international human rights law and to compare these rights to the contemporary context in Okinawa. We identify and discuss the serious dysfunctions already present in the prefectural government and critique the government of Japan’s claims against ‘linguistic rights’ in the light of the international consensus.}, pages = {37--46}, title = {琉球諸語復興のための言語計画 : 言語権をめぐる国際的動向と現状}, year = {2017} }