@article{oai:ocuocjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000579, author = {武村, 朝吉}, issue = {19}, journal = {沖縄キリスト教学院大学論集, Okinawa Christian Univesity}, month = {Feb}, note = {日本語の「~とは思う。」から覚える違和感の正体は何なのか。日本語の助詞“は”と“が”についての先行研究の中に見られる“は”と“が”の使用原理を検証し、それら使用原理を更に掘り下げたところに「“は”と“が”の文法的な働きの核心」を提示し、それに基づいて、「~とは思う。」の違和感の正体を解き明かした。We often feel strange unnaturalness from the japanese remark " ~ towa omou." What is the true nature of that unnaturalness? We first examine previous research on the principles of use of the Japanese particles "wa" and "ga", and to further those principles, we presented "the core of the grammatical function of "wa" and "ga". Next, based on "the core of the grammatical function of "wa" and "ga", we clarified the true nature of the unnaturalness felt from " ~ towa omou."}, pages = {11--16}, title = {日本語の「~とは思う。」から覚える違和感の正体}, year = {2022} }